Petit extrait du concert du 10/05/2022 au CIRRUS - Lyon en première partie du groupe Esmerine. (morceau : Space Velvet)
Small extract from the concert of 2022/10/05 at the CIRRUS - Lyon in first part of the group Esmerine. (song : Space Velvet)
#MastoArt #electromusic #dronemusic #concert #vj #vjing #musicmagicvisualizer #berceaudesvolontéssauvages
Small extract from the concert of 2022/10/05 at the CIRRUS - Lyon in first part of the group Esmerine. (song : Space Velvet)
#MastoArt #electromusic #dronemusic #concert #vj #vjing #musicmagicvisualizer #berceaudesvolontéssauvages