Future Proof Plays: Kentucky Route Zero - 2022/01/15
This was part of my game studio's Future Proof Plays series of streams. Check out our upcoming schedule and our entire set of archives (including my partner's streams) over on YouTube. Follow me over on Twitch to watch my streams live.
Kentucky Route Zero: http://kentuckyroutezero.com/
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/averymd
Mastodon: https://irrsinn.life/@melissa
Music album "Petal" by Broke For Free
Available at https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/album/petal
Used with permission
Future Proof Plays
Future Proof Plays is our stream series where we play small indie games. Catch us live on Twitch: https://futureproofgames.com/streams/YouTube
This entry was edited (3 years ago)