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Whichever one it is, don't start the great editor wars in the comments! 😛


This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

Could easily see myself getting *some* flack for this, but I tend to use Visual Studio Code as an IDE.

For a gui text editor, I've been liking Textadept recently. I used to use Scite.

On a command prompt, I normally use micro.

in reply to It's FOSS

VS Code. I use it for writing FreeCAD macros in Python and editing g-code files (when necessary) for 3D printing. It’s a solid tool with so many useful extensions.

Hell, I sometimes use it to compose toots for Mastodon! (Because the character count is right there)

in reply to It's FOSS

It's Neovim with the LazyVim distribution for me
in reply to It's FOSS

Feel free to roast me but VSCode (not vscodium)
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

tmux and vim-nox with the NerdTree and jedi-vim plugins. I've only recently just got started with this setup after bouncing around other editors in the past, but I feel this one captures my workflow best.
in reply to It's FOSS

A mixture of Kate, Vim, and Qt Creator. Vim is my favorite of the three, but it can be a bit cumbersome trying to copy between separate instances in certain cases. Kate works well in those edge cases (and for times when a GUI is handy). Qt Creator is amazing though IMO, good enough that I can stand living without Vim if I'm writing Qt code.
in reply to It's FOSS

mostly SciTE on the desktop, vis or vi on the commandline
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I program mostly in Java. I use NetBeans, Visual Studio Code and micro
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Neovim when it's a quick/small thing, vscode when it's a massive project :morty:
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GNU #emacs. It replaced VS Code and Neovim for me. The terminal version serves better than Neovim, and the graphical one is more feature-complete and extensible than VS Code.
in reply to Magitian

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in reply to It's FOSS

VSCode for development, Mainly for the official extensions & CotEditor(GUI)/Vim(TUI) for text editing depending on what im doing.
in reply to It's FOSS

#vim for me. For those who want to go over to the dark side, #realpython has a great tutorial on how to set it up but I find plain vim with either elflord or murphy colorscheme is good enough for me in most cases. I like VS Code too. It has replaced Notepad++ as my go to on Windows and I install on Linux at home as a backup.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

as a former VisualStudio2022 unenthusiast, I must say : I ❤️ Jetbrains Rider
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i use nano and text editor 🤮 I should move to atom again
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Gedit! I used to use an IDE, LiteIDE, but now I'm a "Notepad purist".
in reply to It's FOSS

text editor cli is Nano, GUI ie KATE, VSCode 🙁 I know I should feel bad for that one.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

First Eclipse and Geany, then Atom.
Now Atom is dead, so VSCode.
in reply to It's FOSS

been giving Lapse a go, definitely not the most stable, but a lot of potential

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