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in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

Is this an emulated Alto?

Also, if you haven't checked out Squeak, I recommend you take a look at it. It's the continuation of this project and keeps the cool ideas while taking advantage of more advanced hardware.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

I thought so, but I wanted to make sure you hadn't missed out on The Good News.
Unknown parent

Devine Lu Linvega
@avibryant it's the Xerox image 2 of ST-80 described in the bluebook.
Unknown parent

Devine Lu Linvega
@avibryant I don't like Squeak or Pharo either.

ST80 is an amazing program, maybe someday I make something like it on Uxn. I think message passing schemes are pretty cool to play with computers in fun ways.

The ST80 VM is total madness tho, I've recently read "Bits of History, Words of Advice" and it's a nightmare in terms of portability.

While I enjoy noodling in ST from time to time, it's just not how I enjoy programming personally, but I could see myself building a similar sandbox.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

@avibryant immediate drawing to the screen, self discoverability, structural editing. It's all great ideas. If I was a programming teacher, perhaps I'd use something like ST to show logic in real time and explain procedural graphics.

Uxn is just a CPU, most of the programs that I've built on it are of a much smaller scale, I'm not smart enough with these things to put together something like ST, but I think I can draw inspiration from it and bring some things over.
Unknown parent

Devine Lu Linvega
@vertigo What's annoying you with the environment? I think it's pretty cool how you can drill down into objects and find their methods.
Unknown parent

Devine Lu Linvega
@vertigo Ah yeah, I get what you mean and I agree. It's a terrible application building toolkit.

The limits of the thing might be to just play with procedural drawing, a-la processing.
Unknown parent

Devine Lu Linvega
@avibryant the Squeak VM is a cathedral, but like I said, they are not misaligned with what I'm trying to do with Uxn.

Actually Uxn is inspired by Alan Kay's paper Cuniform Tablets Of Computing. Have you ever had a chance of watching Weathering Software Winter?

I go over the connection between the Cuneiform and Uxn.
Unknown parent

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