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in reply to Mangdries

@Mangdries Python devs are really obsessed with what is correct according to what their holy book PEP says
in reply to Brodie Robertson

They have a whole book to tell them how to write code and it still looks horrible
in reply to Brodie Robertson

that’s actually a really cool trick — the many with-usages (like locks!) are a huge boon to understandable code.

And while it took me 25 lines of code to implement this with with wisp ( ) it’s only Python where that’s the default way to do things.

(there is no superfluous with in the previous paragraph ☺)

Being able to add stuff like this to the language cleanly is why I started to move my personal projects from #Python to #Guile #Scheme in 2013, though.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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