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Sweet Dreams Alex is a wholesome puzzle and construction game

#IndieGame #Linux #PCGaming

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

just noticed you said the music was by edelwize, but Humble Store’s page said it was by Towerz. I’m not in the lo-fi scene, so I don’t know: are these the same person, or is there a mistake?
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Yet another release polluted by DRM. A shame, my flatmate would have loved this game.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Well, I did look for this game, and could only find it sold on Steam and EGS (or Humble, but they only sell Steam keys for this one). So no way to play a legit copy without complying with some DRM scheme.

If I missed a DRM-free build sold somewhere, I would be very happy to be proven wrong. I would actually buy it on the spot.

in reply to vv221

@vv221 Being on Steam does not automatically mean it has DRM, and no I'm not getting into a debate that Steam itself is DRM because it is not
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Yeah, I know the marketing speech:
- It’s not DRM if it is only the distribution method;
- It’s not DRM if it is only for cosmetic content;
- It’s not DRM if it is only for multiplayer…

That’s because of all the relays of this marketing ploy that DRM is now hegemonic for video games distribution. I do not thank the people involved.

When a mandatory third-party client, the strongest form of DRM, is hand-waved as "not really a DRM" there is obviously no longer a place for a debate. DRM distribution has won.

in reply to vv221


Because a client to download is not DRM, if you can then take that download elsewhere. Any DRM on Steam is optional.

If you want to go down that road, anything that requires you to download without giving you physical media, even via a browser, is DRM. Because you're forced to get a browser, make a login, and then download.

Steam itself is not DRM.

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

If you want to go down that road

I do not really want to, I already read all these "arguments" of DRM proponents far too many times. I already know the next one is « Then electricity is a DRM too, because you can not play your games without it! ».

I find it very disappointing that people who are OK with DRM-gated games distribution (it is a choice, one I respect) feel obligated to say « DRM used for distribution is not DRM! » instead of admitting « I am OK with DRM for distribution, as long as this is the only DRM in use. ».

Hey, I will even give an example: I already bought many games with DRM-gated multiplayer, because I am OK with that as long as I do not plan to ever play multiplayer in these games. Even if I would rather buy a build with multiplayer fully removed, I can make a compromise for these games. See? Not that hard. I did not have to pretend that « DRM does not count when it is only gating access to multiplayer. ».

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