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Looks like the #Explore tab is gone on
in reply to Tobia Alberti

So that is every host’s decision? We still have it. I was talking about it just an hour ago, I did not ever use it but found it.
in reply to Babu Menos 🎵

Every admin is free to change the code, it’s free and open source software after all. @Gargron has been experimenting with features on from time to time, but this one is confusing and doesn’t make much sense.. We lost a useful feature and (at least when browsing on desktop) all we got in exchange is a second search button.
in reply to Tobia Alberti

It *is* confusing. Maybe there are some statistic saying that the #Explore tab isn’t used that much?
in reply to Babu Menos 🎵

I think that’s unlikely, I think the Explore tab really helps with discoverability (from the Hashtags page, to the News page). Maybe it’s just a bug, or a test of something that’s not quite ready yet.. 🙃
in reply to Tobia Alberti

Possible; Eugen seems to be always one or two steps ahead — and were updated to 4.0 when it was still in alpha, if I remember correctly. Quite the move for such large instances.

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