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Lovely autumn scenery as I dash to get back to my desk for the #FEMS meeting. We’re progressing our plans for the Congress in July in Hamburg. Hope you can join us! #microbiology
in reply to Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott

Hello and welcome to the Fediverse 👋

I'm enjoying getting a view into the world of a microbiology society president! Would you please consider deleting and redrafting/editing this post so that you can include alt text for your image. I realize that you are partially describing it in your toot but a couple details in the image wouldn't hurt and improve the experience for those on screen readers.

I follow @PleaseCaption for reminders of when I forget to add alt text.
in reply to Danny (he/they)

@danwchan @PleaseCaption Which posting for - as I’m not understanding? It’s to describe an image, so@im guessing a country scene I posted earlier today, rather than one about some meetings in my office!
in reply to Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott

yes the country scene 😁 if you tap/click on the post you should see it is in reply to the post that begins "Lovely autumn scenery"

Another pointer that I am realizing about alt text is pictures without it appear with a yellow border on the web application.
in reply to Danny (he/they)

@danwchan Right, got it thanks. I’ll avoid posting pictures for a while, until I can see clearly the best way to do this all.
in reply to Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott

in the web app it looks like this but phone apps probably vary widely, good luck with your search. Just saw this post a moment ago, not sure if it helps

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