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uBlock Origin on Chrome is going away soon. But, you can do something about it:

in reply to It's FOSS

JFC Google. Just take a hint already.

It's time for Chrome/Chromium to go away. It's time everyone. Move on. Stop using anything Chrome or Chromium based. Google and all the companies rebranding Chromium are 100% anti-consumer.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

I use @Waterfox and @Vivaldi : have no idea if uBlock Origin will go away from me yet.
in reply to It's FOSS

“Use Firefox or any of the derivatives”. There, I saved you a click.
in reply to It's FOSS

uBO Lite is a lobotomized version of uBO, designed to fit the travesty of MV3. Instead of recommending its use, it's better to ask users to switch to something not based on Chrome. What's the point of this whack-a-mole game anyway? Chrome is the creation of an insanely rich ad-tech company determined to screw up its users over privacy.

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