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in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

I tried Steam on my Linux box but got so frustrated I uninstalled it. Google 'steam captcha' to see a show stopping bug that has gone unaddressed for years.
If they fixed this they might go to 3%. I don't think they care.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Interesting that, after the Steam Deck, the most used is #ArchLinux

Veteran Linux users moved to Arch and that's what they use? They moved to Arch for gaming specifically? Gamers coming from Windows are competent and went straight to Arch? ...

Then the distro-agnostic Flatpak on its way to become the preferred option.

And relegated to a fourth place, with Mint about to surpass it, Ubuntu, the distro once blessed by Valve. That train is gone now.

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Do you know how this 2% translates to number of users? It's of course much different if 2% means 1k users, 10k, 100k. I can't find the number of responds in survey results.
in reply to Andrzej Stamburski

@stamberry valve very rarely reveals user numbers, the current number we have is years out of date so no one can say right now
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

The next important step is to get more Chinese and Indian people to use Linux.

Considering they already have nationalization of technology, it might happen sooner.

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

- Slow and steady wins the race! I think it's really cool that more and more people (normies if you will) are at least more aware of Linux then they were 5 years ago. It's cool!
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

So I guess this can be shortly described as ”this time we got above 2% naturally instead of artificially”

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