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in reply to Jen Sorensen

I'm starting to get the impression that you don't think very highly of the former President, his allies, or their priorities.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Excellent comic!
Disclaimer: not a native speaker
I would call it "The great backlash", to emphasize that this is the result of extremely concentrated campaign of active rollback of progressive achievements by reactionary forces, and not the "normal" and "natural" regression [towards the mean] that some [myself included] might read into it.
in reply to Jordan Biserkov

@jbiserkov I was initially going to call it The Great Backlash, but settled on "regression" because I wanted to suggest an actual move backwards (and there's also some wordplay on The Great Depression). I'm still not sure which title works better.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

You chose perfectly by calling it The Great Regression! I hope the label catches on, because it might help some people grasp what’s happening. Each subsequent panel demonstrates a major backlash to support how much we’ve regressed. The last panel would be less disconcerting, though, if you replaced “NEXT” with “NEXT?” or “SOON?” instead of making it a fait accompli….😬
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Jen Sorensen

This is actually not surprising. Any action prompts a reaction. That's how human psychology and societies actually work!

That's why you need to be prepared for winning:

Instead of letting go and relaxing that things are finally the way you wanted them, you need to brace for the incoming hailstorm of arrows from those who only now realised they didn't want you to succeed.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Jen Sorensen

They ignore you
They laugh at you
They fight you <--- we are here.
You win.

The ridiculous people are making their ridiculous last stands using the last vestiges of a ridiculous old system, exposing themselves and the systems right out in public.

And the majority, silent or not, is going "yeaaaah, this isn't really working for anything good anymore" and is making moves to wrest the power away from said ridiculous people and dismantle said ridiculous systems... and they're doing it slowly, deliberately, and with live video feeds running lest someone try and go "why do I have to face these consequences? I wasn't _that bad_, was I?"

Everything FEELS terrible because it's the first time anyone under 70 or so experienced this sort of cultural shift, and everyone over 70 is like "This is great! Change without a fuckin' world war or child-starving depression!"

in reply to Jen Sorensen

Remember women, if they start to try to repeal the right for you to vote and you're not concerned. Look up Stockholm syndrome and treatment options.


in reply to Jen Sorensen

Part of me kind of hopes the SCotUS rules the PotUS has total immunity to do as he pleases including assassinating his enemies. The other part of me knows that Biden would be too spineless to have Trump assassinated if they did rule that way.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

I often wonder if we are living at the start of a dark ages with the Catholic church embedded in the state and the inquisition roaming the countryside. MAGA seems to be the anti-enlightenment .
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Can we get an comic of the ICC issuing arrest warrants and them getting denouced by some world leaders, and said world leaders not even reading why the arrest warrants were issued?
in reply to Jen Sorensen

In case it's not already obvious, 3/4 of these are done via supreme court. 1/4 via local government.

It's very important to know who's responsible for these, so we know what to do next:

Vote out these fascist local politicians.

Also, make sure the next supreme court appointments aren't selected by the orange dictator!

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