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I glanced at my screen & momentarily got excited mistaking Hurricane Lee for an Andean Cock-of-the-rock in the news.

Personally, I’d enjoy more #birds antics as top stories.

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Ha! That is exactly what I see—and I was incredibly lucky to see a number of them in the cloud forest in Ecuador. This was my favorite shot
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

In London, England you will find Dante Gabriel Rossetti's home in Cheyne Walk on the bank of the Thames. It is marked by a Blue Plaque.

Whilst living there he kept a menagerie of animals, including salamanders, deer, wombats, kangaroos, bulls, etc. You name it, he kept it.

Unfortunately the peacocks made a frightful din, annoying the neighbours to the point that Dante was banned from keeping them. They also remain banned in every local lease to this day! 🦚📢🚫

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