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#MovieThread, 2022 edition!

In 2020 I watched 239 movies.
In 2021 I watched another 391,
for a total of 650 movies since very early into first lockdown.

That's probably all the movies, right?
in reply to Alex Daily!

Shoot, I found more movies.

Let's start with something just as topical as last year's first one, #1, or #651, 1973's "Soylent Green."

It's the year 2022...
#1 #651
in reply to Alex Daily!

#2, #652, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2009's "Knowing."

But do I Know what this is about? I've Know idea.
#2 #652
in reply to Alex Daily!

#3, #653, I gotta get back to these, it's 1938 Best Picture nominee "Four Daughters."

This is before the 80s, when Hollywood perfected the "two schmucks with a bad idea" formula, so they've overshot to "four daughters."
#3 #653
in reply to Alex Daily!

#4, #654, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2009's "The Bad Lieutenant - Port of Call: New Orleans."

An unwieldy title like that doesn't... traditionally... mean... good things.
#4 #654
in reply to Alex Daily!

#5, #655, we Cage ever onwards, with another one I'd never put on without a reason, but in a completely different way, it's 2009's "G-Force," about a team of highly trained guinea pig spies.
#5 #655
in reply to Alex Daily!

#6, #656, we Cage ever onwards with another celebrity voice cast children's cartoon, it's 2009's "Astro Boy," in which he voices... the professor?
#6 #656
in reply to Alex Daily!

#7, #657, we Cage ever onwards, with 2010's "Kick-Ass."

Saw it when it came out, but I can't imagine it's aged... particularly gracefully.
#7 #657
in reply to Alex Daily!

#9, #659, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2010's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." Which you'd think would have Mickey Mouse in it, but it doesn't.
#9 #659
in reply to Alex Daily!

#10, #660, we Cage ever onwards with 2011's "Season of the Witch," which I'm pretty sure is about the Plague, no, not that one, the other one.
#10 #660
in reply to Alex Daily!

#11, #661, 2010's "MacGruber" because I wanna know if I should bother with that show they just dropped.
#11 #661
in reply to Alex Daily!

#11, #662, Netflix has been pushing me to watch whatever the fuck 1991's "Hudson Hawk" is, so whatever, let's watch whatever the fuck 1991's "Hudson Hawk" is.
#11 #662
in reply to Alex Daily!

Just found out there's a "Weekend at Bernie's II" (1993) and I have to know, I have to know how they get there!

#13 or #663.
#13 #663
in reply to Alex Daily!

#14, or #664, 2018's "Welcome to Marwen," which, I don't even remember why I downloaded this or what it's about.
#14 #664
in reply to Alex Daily!

I'm not doing anything else productive today, #15, or #665, 2021's "The Lost Daughter."
#15 #665
in reply to Alex Daily!

#17, or #667, the number of the neighbour of the Beast but just as evil, 2021's "Dear Evan Hansen."
#17 #667
in reply to Alex Daily!

#18, #668, we M Night Shyamalan ever onwards, it's 2010's "The Last Airbender."
#18 #668
in reply to Alex Daily!

#19, #669, 1996's "Scream."

I'm two seconds in and this might be the most MTV thing I've ever seen.
#19 #669
in reply to Alex Daily!

They keep talking about the sequel at the end of the first one, so, you know. #20, #670, 1997's "Scream 2."
#20 #670
in reply to Alex Daily!

#21, #671, 2000's "Scream 3." Might as well just go through these, I guess.
#21 #671
in reply to Alex Daily!

#22, #672, 2011's "Scream 4."

I've gone too far forward in time! These characters have seen "Saw 4," and I haven't.
#22 #672
in reply to Alex Daily!

#23, #673, 2021's "The Tragedy of Macbeth."

I don't think I've actually seen a Macbeth? Read some Donald Duck adaptations, seen the Blackadder episode, but not a full Macbeth.
#23 #673
in reply to Alex Daily!

#24, #674, we Cage ever onwards into what I'm pretty sure is Cage's de-naissance, a real rebirth of his trash era, 2011's "Drive Angry."
#24 #674
in reply to Alex Daily!

#25, #675, we Cage ever onwards, 2011's "Seeking Justice," whatever that's about.

50/50 on "Justice" being the name of a character.
#25 #675
in reply to Alex Daily!

#26, #676, we Cage ever onwards, I'm firmly in the second trash era now, gotta keep up the momentum on these terrible movies that I'm not enjoying, it's 2011's "Trespass."
#26 #676
in reply to Alex Daily!

#27, #677, it's the 1938 Best Picture winner, Frank Capra's "You Can't Take It With You."

I liked "Mr Deeds Goes to Town," I liked "It Happened One Night," a Frank Capra picture is the closest thing to a sure shot in the Best Picture nominees so far.
#27 #677
in reply to Alex Daily!

Been looking forward to this one, #28, or #678, we Spielberg ever onwards, it's 2011's "The Adventures of Tintin."
#28 #678
in reply to Alex Daily!

#29, or #679, 1976's "Carrie."

Not actually entirely sure what this one's about? Girl, high school, blood, gym, maybe she's psychic?
#29 #679
in reply to Alex Daily!

war horse
war horse
war horse, of course

#30, or #680, we Spielberg ever onwards with 2011's "War Horse."
#30 #680
in reply to Alex Daily!

#33, or #683, I return! To the reopened movie theatre! And also to the Matrix!

Leaving now to go see 2021's "The Matrix Resurrections" again.
#33 #683
in reply to Alex Daily!

i watched the 2h20m n*f*t video and it's on letterboxd so i'm fucking counting it

#34, or #684, 2022's "Line Goes Up: The Problem With [N*F*T]s."
#34 #684
in reply to Alex Daily!

#35, or #685, we Shyamalan ever onwards, 2013's "After Earth."

I have not heard good things.
#35 #685
in reply to Alex Daily!

#36, or #686, leaving now to go see 2022's "Scream," which had better inform me substantially about the state of the "Stab" franchise for the past decade.
#36 #686
in reply to Alex Daily!

#37, or #687, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2013's "The Frozen Ground," which I think is about a real serial killer?
#37 #687
in reply to Alex Daily!

#40, or #690, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2013's "Joe."

you know, the joe from 2013
#40 #690
in reply to Alex Daily!

#41, or #691, hey, that's right, I don't think I even need to say what movie I'm watching today.
#41 #691
in reply to Alex Daily!

#42, or #692, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2014's "Rage," though I guess it's on Netflix as "Tokarev."
#42 #692
in reply to Alex Daily!

#43, or #693, 1938 Best Picture nominee "Boys Town," which I think is about... a real home for underprivileged youths?

This kind of biopic doesn't usually hold up, and Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney are in it, so I'm giving this: Bad odds.
#43 #693
in reply to Alex Daily!

I skipped this one when it came out because I had... some issue with it, that I now can't recall. Maybe it's racist, or transphobic or something? But if I don't watch it, it's gonna keep bothering me.

#44, or #694, I sigh and put on 2013's "Kick-Ass 2."
#44 #694
in reply to Alex Daily!

#45, or #695, at least he's in this one, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2014's "Outcast," in which he and Hayden Christensen are... crusaders? Something like that?
#45 #695
in reply to Alex Daily!

#46, or #696, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2014's "Left Behind," which. This can't possibly be good, right.
#46 #696
in reply to Alex Daily!

#47, or #697, leaving now to go see 2021's "King Richard," in which Will Smith... teaches tennis?
#47 #697
in reply to Alex Daily!

I couldn't find this when I first looked, so I skipped it, but now I've found it, so I'm watching it: #49, or #699, the only film Cage *directed*, 2002's "Sonny."
#49 #699
in reply to Alex Daily!

#50, or #700, 1938 Best Picture nominee "Pygmalion." Which is just "My Fair Lady," innit.
#50 #700
in reply to Alex Daily!

#51, or #701, leaving now to go see 2022's "Marry Me," because-- Look, Keenspot obviously sucks now, but I'm still a 90s/00s webcomics kid at heart, damnit.
#51 #701
in reply to Alex Daily!

#52, or #702, we Cage ever onwards, 2014's "Dying of the Light," whatever that's about.
#52 #702
in reply to Alex Daily!

What if I watched something that looks like I might actually enjoy it, well, bad news, tough shit, it's #53, or #703, we Cage ever onwards with 2015's "The Runner."
#53 #703
in reply to Alex Daily!

What if I watched something that looks like I might actually enjoy it, well, good news, soft shit, it's #54, or #704, M Night Shyamalan's 2015 film "The Visit."
#54 #704
in reply to Alex Daily!

#55, or #705, we Cage ever onwards, 2015's "Pay the Ghost."

this had better be about ghosts unionising
#55 #705
in reply to Alex Daily!

#56, or #706, we Spielberg ever onwards, 2015's "Bridge of Spies."

Not one of the better known Spielbergs, no idea what it's about besides, presumably, bridge (singular) and spies (plural).
#56 #706
in reply to Alex Daily!

#58, or #708, 2016's "The Hunt for the Wilderpeople." It's a Taika Waititi, I think it's kiwis in the woods, additional data not found.
#58 #708
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see #59, or #709, 2022's "Jackass Forever."

Never was much of an MTV kid, but I'll watch people get cannonballed in the nuts for an hour and a half or whatever, sure.
#59 #709
in reply to Alex Daily!

#61, or #711, 1979's "Star Trek: The Motion Picture."

Be nice to see this crew again, it's been a while since I finished TOS.
#61 #711
in reply to Alex Daily!

#64, or #714, I need to sleep through a storm that's really not even peaked yet so I guess I'll watch another one, we Cage ever onwards though I think Cage just has a pretty small part, 2016's "Snowden."
#64 #714
in reply to Alex Daily!

#65, or #715, let's watch some teens get horrormurdered or whatever, 2018's "Truth or Dare."
#65 #715
in reply to Alex Daily!

#66, or #716, we Cage ever onwards, 2016's "USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage," which looks like a fairly typical American WW2 picture, but possibly with more shark attacks than usual?
#66 #716
in reply to Alex Daily!

#67, or #717, let's watch something better, we Shyamalan ever onwards, it's 2016's "Split."
#67 #717
in reply to Alex Daily!

#68, or #718, we Cage ever onwards with 2017's "Arsenal."

Which I don't think has anything to do with the soccer team, but does apparently feature Cage reprising his ridiculous character from 1993's "Deadfall."
#68 #718
in reply to Alex Daily!

We Cage ever onwards, #719, 2017's "Vengeance: A Love Story."

Which, movie's gonna be bad, for sure, but that's a great title.
in reply to Alex Daily!

#71, or #721, we Cage ever onwards, 2017's, "The Humanity Bureau."

Not a clue what this is about, but the average Letterboxd rating of 1.2 ⭐ does not inspire great confidence.
#71 #721
in reply to Alex Daily!

#73, or #273, leaving now to go see what is apparently a 50th anniversary screening of 1972's "The Godfather."
#73 #273
in reply to Alex Daily!

It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for...

#74, or #274, 2004's "Garfield."
#74 #274
in reply to Alex Daily!

#75, or #725, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2017's "Mom and Dad."

I assume Cage plays the dad, but I think it'd be very funny if he played, like, somebody called John Mom.
#75 #725
in reply to Alex Daily!

#76, or #726, we Spielberg ever onwards, 2017's "The Post."

This is either about mail or newspapers.
#76 #726
in reply to Alex Daily!

#77, or #727, we Spielberg ever onwards BUT NO FURTHER, it's the last one I haven't seen, 2018's "Ready Player One."
#77 #727
in reply to Alex Daily!

#78, or #728, we Cage ever onwards, 2018's "Looking Glass."
#78 #728
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving in a bit to go see #79, or #729, 2022's "The Batman."
#79 #729
in reply to Alex Daily!

#80, or #730, we Cage ever onwards, 2018's "Mandy."

No idea what it's about, but I know it gets held up as Good Cage.
#80 #730
in reply to Alex Daily!

#81, or #731, we Cage ever onwards, 2018's "211."

This looks like some cop shit, so, you know, not expecting high engagement on this one.
#81 #731
in reply to Alex Daily!

#82, or #732, we Cage ever onwards, because I think he voices Superman in this one, it's 2018's "Teen Titans Go! To The Movies."
#82 #732
in reply to Alex Daily!

#83, or #733, we continue to Cage ever onwards, it's 2018's "Between Worlds."
#83 #733
in reply to Alex Daily!

#84, or #734, the last Shyamalan I haven't seen, 2019's "Glass."
#84 #734
in reply to Alex Daily!

#85, or #735, we Cage onwards and onwards, it's 2019's "Running with the Devil."

Absolutely no way this doesn't suck absolute eggs.
#85 #735
in reply to Alex Daily!

#86, or #736, it's another one that looks fucking terrible, but what are you gonna do about it, we Cage ever onwards, 2019's "Kill Chain."
#86 #736
in reply to Alex Daily!

#87, or #737, leaving now for a screening of 1991's "Thelma & Louisa."
#87 #737
in reply to Alex Daily!

#88, or #738, we Cage onwards... four more times, 2019's "Grand Isle."
#88 #738
in reply to Alex Daily!

#89, or #739, we Cage ever onwards, three to go, it's 2020's "Jiu Jitsu."
#89 #739
in reply to Alex Daily!

#90, or #740, we Cage ever onwards, and yet backwards, it's 2020's "The Croods: A New Age."

If I recall correctly, I called the first one "a perfectly fine movie for 9-year olds."
#90 #740
in reply to Alex Daily!

After a dark and endless night, we Cage ever onwards into a bright dawn for: The Final Cage.

#92, #742, 2021's "Prisoners of the Ghostland."
#92 #742
in reply to Alex Daily!

#93, or #743, 1939 Best Picture nominee "The Citadel."

Which, if I recall correctly, is about a Scottish doctor moving to Wales, and then to London? Maybe the Irish get involved somewhere.
#93 #743
in reply to Alex Daily!

#94, or #744, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Stagecoach."

I assume that's a western, so presumably it's cool but racist. (They might not have invented cool yet.)
#94 #744
in reply to Alex Daily!

#95, or #745, I watched 2017 legal documentary "Long Shot" because I got to the episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" that factors into it. Absolutely wild.
#95 #745
in reply to Alex Daily!

#96, or #746, I don't know if this is actually spoopy or just violence in a house, 2019's "Ready or Not."
#96 #746
in reply to Alex Daily!

#97, or #747, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Wuthering Heights."

This is the classic of English-language literature everyone I've ever seen talk about fucking hates, I think.
#97 #747
in reply to Alex Daily!

#98, or #748, I continue to ignore discourse about current films by simply hiding in a different century altogether, it's 1939 Best Picture nominee "Love Affair."
#98 #748
in reply to Alex Daily!

#100, or #750, 1920 German silent film "Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari," or, "The Cabinet of Dr Caligari."

You know, not a hard translation, that title.
#100 #750
in reply to Alex Daily!

#101, or #751, from the "I download random movies sometimes without really looking what they're about" pile, 1985's "Lost in America."
#101 #751
in reply to Alex Daily!

Let's watch another one, (incidentally putting me on an average of exactly one (1) movie a day since the official start of the pandemic in my country,) #103, or #753, 2022's "The Adam Project."
#103 #753
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see #104, or #754, 2021's "Licorice Pizza."
#104 #754
in reply to Alex Daily!

About to head out to go see-- Well, I don't know yet, it's a Sneak Preview screening, but it's probably 2022's "Moonfall"? #105, or #755.
#105 #755
in reply to Alex Daily!

#106, or #756, 2022's "Windfall," because sometimes you just hit play on a random new release on Netflix.
#106 #756
in reply to Alex Daily!

#107, or #757, 1986's "¡Three Amigos!", because they-- because they watch it in 2022's "Windfall" and I thought, hey, I could go for a Steve Martin/Martin Short comedy, good idea.
#107 #757
in reply to Alex Daily!

#108, or #758, 1987's "Ishtar," another one about people getting Tropic Thunder'd, apparently known as one of the worst movies ever made, because @thiskurt brought it up.
in reply to Alex Daily!

#109, or #759, 2016's "Swiss Army Man," which is the one about Paul Dano using Daniel Radcliffe's farting dead body as a boat and such. (I've seen it before.)
#109 #759
in reply to Alex Daily!

#110, or #760, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Dark Victory."

No idea what it's about, I think Ronald Reagan might be in it?
#110 #760
in reply to Alex Daily!

#111, or #761, I don't know what the right relationship between this movie and me eating some crisps is, but I've got some, anyway, it's 1939 Best Picture nominee "Goodbye, Mr Chips."
#111 #761
in reply to Alex Daily!

#112, or #762, 2021's "Boiling Point," which I understand to be a one-shot thriller set in a restaurant kitchen? That sounds good, yeah, I'll watch that.
#112 #762
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see #113, or #763, 2022's "Sonic the Hedgehog 2." I'm running slightly late, though, so I guess I, too, gotta go fast.
#113 #763
in reply to Alex Daily!

#114, or #764, at this point I think I've seen more deconstructions and reconstructions of the slasher genre than I have actual slashers, 2015's "The Final Girls."
#114 #764
in reply to Alex Daily!

#116, or #766, this seems like a good one for while I'm still slumped over from hay fever, 2022's "Turning Red."
#116 #766
in reply to Alex Daily!

#117, or #767, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Mr Smith Goes to Washington."

I understand this had some substantial real-world impact, and Frank Capra is generally pretty good, but does a political drama from 1939 hold up, like, at all?
#117 #767
in reply to Alex Daily!

#118, or #768, leaving now to go see 2021 Best Picture nominee "Belfast."

Which leaves me with just three I haven't seen, two of which I don't think ever played here ("CODA," "Drive My Car") and one of which filled me with apathy every time I looked at the poster. ("Nightmare Alley")
#118 #768
in reply to Alex Daily!

#119, or #769, leaving now to go see 2021's "The Man with the Answers."

Gay European road trip thing I think? Let's find out.
#119 #769
in reply to Alex Daily!

#120, or #770, 2006's "Marie Antoinette," which looks very pastel.
#120 #770
in reply to Alex Daily!

#121, or #771, leaving now for an 11am screening of 2022's "The Lost City," which really should have retained its original title "The Lost City of D."
#121 #771
in reply to Alex Daily!

#122, or #772, 2022 pandemic filmmaking comedy that dropped exactly too late "The Bubble."
#122 #772
in reply to Alex Daily!

#123, or #773, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Ninotchka."

Which I'm pretty sure was primarily marketed with the tag line "Garbo Laughs !", so that's probably not a great sign.
#123 #773
in reply to Alex Daily!

#124, or #774, you'd really think I would-a seen the time loop wedding comedy at some point but I haven't, 2020's "Love Wedding Repeat."
#124 #774
in reply to Alex Daily!

#125, or #775, 2021 depression-in-a-house horror picture "The Night House," solely because of this one shot, god-damn.

<img class=" title=":twitter:"/> 🔗
#125 #775
in reply to Alex Daily!

#126, or #776, 2022's "Fresh," in which Seb Stan is a... cannibal? A zombie? Look, if you watch a movie every day, sometimes you just pop one on and hope for the best.
#126 #776
in reply to Alex Daily!

This is what we've been Caging ever onwards to.



Leaving now to finally go see 2022's "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent."
#776 #127
in reply to Alex Daily!

#128, or #778, I was once again reminded there's only three movies by one notable director that I haven't seen yet when I've seen all his other ones, so fuck it, let's go.

From 2004, Zack Snyder's "Dawn of the Dead."
#128 #778
in reply to Alex Daily!

you know, I think this might be the exact movie I think of when I say I'm not into zombie movies

we watched it at school, no idea what the context was, when I was like 15 or 16, and I found it deeply unpleasant

but I liked "Army of the Dead," so
in reply to Alex Daily!

#129, or #779, another random movie just because somebody on letterboxd made it sound interesting and that's good enough for me, 2021 blind home invasion thriller "See For Me."
#129 #779
in reply to Alex Daily!

#130, or #780, at @kurt's absolutely whole-hearted and unequivocal recommendation, 1967 Canadian experimental room film "Wavelength."
in reply to Alex Daily!

#131, or #81, this one can't possibly be particularly offensive, SURELY, the second of the three unwatched Zack Snyder movies, 2010's "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole."
#81 #131
in reply to Alex Daily!

#132, or #782, 2020 Japanese sci-fi comedy "Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes," which I think is about a café owner who discovers his TV can see a whole two minutes into the future.
#132 #782
in reply to Alex Daily!

#133, or #783, let's follow that one up with the one everyone on Letterboxd compared it to, 2017 Japanese one shot zombie comedy "One Cut of the Dead."
#133 #783
in reply to Alex Daily!

#134, or #784, the last Zack Snyder I haven't seen, 2011's "Sucker Punch."
#134 #784
in reply to Alex Daily!

#135, or #785, leaving now to go see-- Well, it's Sneak Preview again, so I don't know yet.

It's probably 2022's "Morbius." But it could be anything.

(But it's "Morbius.")
#135 #785
in reply to Alex Daily!

#136, or #786, sure, I'll watch a dumb one about a cursed video game, 2022's "Choose or Die."
#136 #786
in reply to Alex Daily!

#138, or #788, I've randomly put on 2022's "No Exit."

bet they find one at the end
#138 #788
in reply to Alex Daily!

let's clear some things out from my downloads folder

*rolls some dice, flips a coin*

#139, or #789, 2022's "Deep Water," which I don't know anything about, except that there was Discourse that I've definitely already missed the window on.
#139 #789