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The 13 Worst Bike Lanes in the World. Includes examples of “paint as bike lane” and “car charging cables stretching across bike lane” and my fave: “trees in the middle of the bike lane”.
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Oh gosh, I live in Edinburgh and the fact that our tiny city is so well-represented on that list is both very embarrassing and not at all surprising.

Every now and then I cycle down Leith walk for the sheer thrill of attempting such a stupid cycling route. It's really, really something.

Here's a nice article about it from a couple days ago, which still manages to show some optimism for cycling generally:

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
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The worst is when there's no bike lane, or shoulder. Just signs that say "share the road" and "bike route" on a road with a fairly high speed limit, a fair amount of traffic, and not many opportunities to pass.

Nice sentiment, but I'm really not sure what they want either cars or bicycles to do.

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