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We got some bad news at the vet today, and I’m still trying to sort through my feelings, honestly. If the next few days bring some relief for our wee 14 year old Toy Poodle Kiwi, we might have a few more weeks or months with her — and that’s the best case scenario. We are fortunate to have such a kind and pragmatic vet, but…my heart hurts tonight. 😔

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

in reply to KimberlyN :CApride:

The new meds helped a little, but not enough. Kiwi’s last day was filled with sunshine, love, peace, and her favorite foods — blueberries and peaches.

She has been a joyful presence in our lives, and we will be forever grateful she chose us.

We promise to be there for and with them, right until the very last. And we promise to make the hard decisions, to not flinch, to not fade, but to stay true to that promise until the end. Run strong and free, Miss Kiwi. 💕

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

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