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@openscience your last post is from #April #2023.

Does this account reply to people or just follow them?

Your latest #edit on #GitHub was on November 22, 2022.

What is your opinion on #Wikiversity? I just filtered all your posts by doing this and I found 0 posts:

Based on this URL you did not ever use the #hashtag Wikiversity so do you know about this project or is this the first time you read about it?

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Rune Dance Two

Hi. No, I actually haven't really followed this project so far. Currently, I am unfortunately very busy at work and often do not succeed in responding to everyone. But after work I like to read through the Fediverse and follow interesting personalities, on the one hand to see what's going on in OpenScience, FOSS and related topics, but also to see how the Fediverse is developing.

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