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If this child was strong enough to survive colonization, land theft and reservation internment — then white kids should be strong enough to learn about it in school. #nativeamerican #NativeNations
in reply to James Morehart

I've been hearing from indigenous people on mastodon that they want the "nativeamerican" and "indigenousmastodon" etc. tags to only be reserved for people who are actually indigenous, because that's how they can connect with each other. If you are not native, it's messing with that system.

please use the hashtag #indigenousally or #nativeally or something like that instead.
in reply to Iron Curtain (Chiptunes)

I'm wondering where I'd fall on that I'm technically a member of the cherokee nation but I'm also appearance wise white as fuck and was adopted out.
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

@Rasp From what I understand, being native is political moreso than racial; that is, it's not the color of your skin but membership in a tribe that makes one a native.

(Please correct me if I'm wrong!)

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