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Github REQUIRES 2FA: What This Means For You? #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

it means that if #GitHub doesn't support any good #offline - capable #2FA like #iTAN, a lot of folks won't use it at all!

Espechally since they don't support EVERY NATION AND NETWORK nor can one expect to have a dedicaded and secure phone number for that!

in reply to Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:

@thatguyoverthere it does require one to have a device to run it on tho.

Also nothing prevents them from generating iTAN lists and just request a randomized unused entry from it.

It's not as if they'll require it for every push and every merge of code.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Brodie Robertson

@thatguyoverthere yes but putting #2FA on the same machine is kinda killing the security advantage.

The idea of Two-Factor - Authentification is to prevent someone from creating chaos if they gain access to an account or it's credentials...

in reply to Brodie Robertson

it means, get out your authenticator app, you motherfuckers! lol

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