The next @DecentSocial is on 2023-02-11, but we hope it won't be the last.
You can use the hashtag #20230211 alongside #DecentSocial or #DecentSocialTopics to help others find info specific to a certain day's events.
Add #0200 #1000 #1800 (the UTC times of the starts) if you need to distinguish between the three #20230211 opening times and find others at #DecentSocial near your time zone.
You can use the hashtag #20230211 alongside #DecentSocial or #DecentSocialTopics to help others find info specific to a certain day's events.
Add #0200 #1000 #1800 (the UTC times of the starts) if you need to distinguish between the three #20230211 opening times and find others at #DecentSocial near your time zone.
DecentSocial - A homegrown conference for the builders of the decentralized social web.
DecentSocial is a free digital unconference on Feb 11th for the builders of the decentralized social web. Whether you're an engineer working on protocols, or an organizer building community, this conference is for