I just saw this image: https://miro.medium.com/proxy/1*Aqa4jGmzgLDJTB1xXwSF4w.png
On this @richdecibels post: https://medium.com/enspiral-tales/towards-a-politics-of-listening-ff5173f35260
Why doesn't the #Socialcoop home page look like that anymore?
On this @richdecibels post: https://medium.com/enspiral-tales/towards-a-politics-of-listening-ff5173f35260
Why doesn't the #Socialcoop home page look like that anymore?
Towards a Politics of Listening - Enspiral Tales - Medium
If you’ve read any of my writing, you will have guessed I have some opinions about how we could do large scale governance differently. But the tool we’re building is designed only for small scale: If…Richard D. Bartlett (Enspiral Tales)