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Mostly number 1, but 3 and 9 resonate.
Ack! #caturday
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@tom grzybow That cat is judt asking to have a word-balloon!
@Bob Lai ZOMG! Perhaps it's your spirit animal! XD
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#4: "Don't think I don't know what you are doing up there."
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@Amanda (she/they)
Number 6: "Paint me like your French kitties while I take a nap!"
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I saw sprawled out and on edge, though I guess that can be sexy...
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Looks more like a scene from "The Exorcist".
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personally, I think The Exorcist was the story of a particularly rough adolescence - but that's just my take on things.
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Exactly. "All this is MINE!"

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@Amanda (she/they) Then you probably do need a nap! Any excuse for a nap!

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