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OpenSUSE Linux Has ANOTHER Distro Stream! #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

as someone who regularly sees decisions or potential decisions be misinterpreted by a community, thank you for repeating the fact that Leap is not being killed off, lol.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I don't entirely see the the point of this distro, but can see how it will be useful to some. Opensuse Tumbleweed is already pretty stable thanks to its testing.

I think corporations and individuals who need relatively new software but also want as stable a system as they can get may appreciate this.

My biggest concern is how are security fixes handled? Backporting patches will be difficult if the goal is to automate as of much of this as possible.

in reply to Brodie Robertson

Seems like an equivalent to CentOS which sits between Fedora and RHEL. Could be like running an Ubuntu LTS or a Debian Testing.

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