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in reply to Brodie Robertson

I am honestly surprised at how well Discourse has been adopted by pretty much everyone compared to a lot of FOSS projects
in reply to Joel :void: :casio:

@BrodieOnLinuxIt's horrible to use unless you know exactly how it works.

They overwritten the search horkey, their custom scrollbar is absolutely terrible to use and a lot more stuff mainly in accessibility from what I have heard but haven't confirmed yet.

in reply to MattZ

It's functional, but that's about as much as I'll give it. Going back through old posts is kind of a hassle
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I haven't made up my mind on Discourse yet... it is a bit annoying for me in some cases with the awards and stuff, and the fact that I have to register an account everywhere, that's stoping me from contributing.

At least I can read everything without an account, which is something.

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