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Does Wayland Really Break Everything? #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

to be honest, it did break the ability for me to change display settings and then it’s not letting me change them now because it still thinks I’m running on Wayland instead of X11.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I only now started seriously considering Wayland thanks in part to you and @thelinuxEXP .

I installed River WM, as I love BSPWM, and heard it was the closest. I use the Nvidia Proprietary Drivers, which I guarantees. Apparently it was working in 535, but 545 introduced really bad artifacting and stuttering...

Other than that some apps work, others don't. Wayland is ready..kinda. The apps and Nvidia need to work to truly say that ± We need more than a handful of TWMs.

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