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Fedora Linux Embraces "Privacy Preserving" Telemetry #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

At this point, anything associated with Red Hat gets whatever it deserves. Jay from Learn Linux TV was right. If you're using a distribution owned by a corporation, you need to consider your options (i.e., leaving). It's too bad because Fedora is a great distribution. But this is squarely the fault of Red Hat for causing this to happen (since 7 out of the 9 members of FESCo are employees of Red Hat, who is also pushing for this opt-out telemetry).
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Definitely gonna clown on my fedora-using friend now lol

In all seriousness, at least it would be opt-out so even though I too am hard against telemetry, as long as there is a choice to opt out in any software I use, then I don't really have reason to complain.

Plus, at least they're self aware unlike a certain set of our favourite tech giants.

in reply to RogueSensei

@roguesensei Opt-out is the bare minimum expected, if it wasn't opt-out it would be fair to call it spyware no questions asked.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

just flipped from Fedora Silverblue to OpenSuSE Aeon because of how RedHat did the home server community dirty, but this just adds insult to injury.

And what a sad day it is. Fedora has been in the vanguard for developing technology specifically catered to the Linux desktop. We're talking PipeWire, their contribution to Flatpak, pushing and developing Wayland, etc.

They were the heroes we needed, now that I can't recommend Ubuntu or Fedora, what can I recommend?

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