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Init Freedom Campaign Saves Linux From Systemd? #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

enroll in the openrc army and fight the init system war today!
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Systemd is not less free. I like Systemd and will fight for the freedom to have it preinstalled on all major distributions. That's my freedom to fight for whatever I want to!
in reply to Brodie Robertson

systemd was such great improvement for linux maintenance. I still remember these horrible huge bash scripts. Total nightmares!!!
in reply to Brodie Robertson

People who do not use systemd are like vegans 😂. they just love to scream about their hate to systemd/people who eat meat.

I use open-rc but not because systemd is bad, I like the easy to use nature of systemd but because I want to learn and deal with other init systems

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