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Brodie Robertson
@monster @thibaultmol @reflex What Vaxry is saying is that if you're in a terrible environment you will likely fall in line with that environment, most people are not capable of standing up to a whole society. Whether you agree with that or not isn't the point, to frame it like that is disingenuous
Unknown parent

Wait, i'm confused. Why are you saying 'fuck Drew'?
Isn't drew the person who pointed out the problems with Hyprland's community?....
@monster @BrodieOnLinux
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David Fleetwood - RG Admin

@monster Literally this. Fuck Vaxry and any project he's associated with. And do better, Brodie.


This entry was edited (7 months ago)
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @thibaultmol @reflex I'm not defending anything but if you want to not like someone focus on the things that are real otherwise all you do is hurt your cause when people look into what actually happened
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson

@monster @thibaultmol @reflex If you feel his conduct on discord, and Github or the way he runs his discord is unacceptable, please I encourage you to be critical of that, I've been critical myself. However I'm not encouraging you to get involved in that community. Personally I agree with how OpenSUSE handled this situation

For the record I don't call myself apolitical, I have a poltical leaning I just don't bring it up because some people like to hyper focus on that

Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @reflex @thibaultmol If I say I'm a liberal or I'm a conservative all of a sudden all of my opinions are spoken for and people assume that I align with every single stereotype that fits those groups so I just don't bring it up.
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David Fleetwood - RG Admin
@monster @thibaultmol Apolitical is that thing white dudes have the privilege of being.
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @thibaultmol @reflex This we absolutely agree on, I do think you can so it's probably not productive to keep going down this path as neither of us will budge
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @reflex @thibaultmol All communities are going to have psychos with extreme beliefs who are just there to hate watch, the same would happen if I went the other direction
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@joojmachine @monster @reflex @thibaultmol It felt like a really unprofessional thing to include in official documentation, I would have said the same thing regardless of which controversial figure was included. Maybe you can argue the way I addressed it wasn't great but I stand by the fact that it didn't belong in the documentation
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Daimar Stein :molotov:

@monster @reflex @thibaultmol It also says a lot when a small communist reference in a documentation page gets half a video of "why does this exist?" and entire threads of discussion on masto, but hyprland's creator's queerphobia gets swept under the rug every single time.

Love most of your videos, Brodie, but please do better.

Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @thibaultmol @reflex That's totally fair, it seems like as he has gotten older it has slowly been improving but I see why some don't think it's at the level they want it to be at
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @thibaultmol @reflex This is all I was looking for, a levelled take on the situation, thanks for being chill. He has said both on my podcast and in either Drew or his article that he doesn't agree with everything he said a few years back. He doesn't take back everything but he's Polish which is a far more conservative country than the US for example
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @joojmachine @reflex @thibaultmol I understand that perspective as well, I've spoken to people after the video came out and the way I handled it was probably more infammatory than it should have been, I like the work Flathub is doing myself and I was concerned with the kind of pushback they'd get and were already getting from including this figure
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @thibaultmol @reflex That's true but it's also a far cry from the way it's being portrayed, it's being treated like an online gaming lobby which have never been the friendliest places, this I why I think it's important to go directly to the source and see what's actually being said and come to your own conclusion. Often times the further removed you get from a source the harder it gets to really see what's going on
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @joojmachine @reflex @thibaultmol completely unrelated to your point but it reminded me, here's the teletubbies in black and white
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @joojmachine @reflex @thibaultmol I think we live in a very politically changed time with extremists from all sides of the spectrum who will attack you for all manner of insane reasons
in reply to Brodie Robertson

@monster @joojmachine @thibaultmol One side murders people for not conforming and the other...argues on the internet. But hey, extremists all around, what can anyone do about it! It's a mystery!
in reply to Brodie Robertson

@monster @joojmachine @reflex @thibaultmol Whilst you may not like that certain people are here free software is open to everybody regardless of what beliefs they have that you might find abhorrent, the software side is the easy problem, it's the dealing with people that makes the free software space a challenge to manage.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

@monster @reflex @thibaultmol exactly, and it's nice to try and keep it as a space where marginalized folks don't receive death threats by alt-right lunatics
in reply to Brodie Robertson

@monster @joojmachine @thibaultmol You know what's really cool about freedom? The freedom to not associate with, promote or spread products of people with abhorrent views. Projects can be forked, alternatives can be built, people can leave the bigots behind.
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @joojmachine @reflex @thibaultmol To makes things clear, with the direction that AI is going and the absolute destruction of office jobs that's bound to happen over the next 30 or so years I am a big supporter of UBI
in reply to David Fleetwood - RG Admin

@reflex @monster @joojmachine @thibaultmol Absolutely, please don't associate with people you don't want to associate with, it's a waste of energy, the issue with forks is there has to be someone that wants to fork a project, often times a project is really complex and nobody currently involved has the skill set or willingness to develop it.
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @joojmachine @reflex @thibaultmol I think it's fine to filter out whoever you want from your community and your personal bubble, but in the same vein there are communities out there that you don't want to get involved with either, this is not just a Hyprland thing, there's a lot of crazies involved in suckless for example
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @joojmachine @reflex @thibaultmol At the end of the day it's just all people talking on the internet, when someone actually does something in the real world expect me to tear it apart
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@monster @joojmachine @reflex @thibaultmol I'm aware of the mental damage aspect, I get hundreds of people saying all manner of things to me everyday, some postive, some negative, but that's easier to solve than someone coming up to you and punching you in the face. Enjoy your sleep, I hope you feel the same way.
Unknown parent

Brodie Robertson
@reflex @monster @joojmachine @thibaultmol And I condemn that, when someone in the FOSS world does it, expect me to condemn that as well.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

@monster @joojmachine @thibaultmol We already know what kinds of online communities these people typically spawn from dude....

Thoughts and prayers is a waste of breath after the fact.

in reply to David Fleetwood - RG Admin

@reflex @monster @joojmachine @thibaultmol Thoughts and prayers are a waste but if somebody feels like they're being persecuted for there beliefs when they personally haven't done anything that doesn't help the situation either. You can only deredicalize people by meeting them where they are and then overtime smoothen out the problems
Unknown parent

David Fleetwood - RG Admin
@monster @joojmachine @thibaultmol I encourage you to watch a series of easy to understand videos on the topic:

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