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Mozilla And Firefox We Need To Talk #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

The whole argument of "Well, advertising isn't going away, so we should try to work with them instead" basically screams

"Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

in reply to Brodie Robertson

I use Floorp and fire dragon and I’m trained from my old times on windows to always just check settings after an update as they often got retoggled. Obviously I don’t approve but at the same time stuff like this is going to happen no matter what people want at least on the mainline versions. 
in reply to Brodie Robertson

To be fair to mozilla it should be noted that "Privasy-preserving Attribution" does nothing when the user has opted out of telemetry already. They just forgot to update the checkbox correctly. In a future release this will be shown correctly to the user.

Most of the drama could have been avoided when people would actually check the source code...

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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