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Linux Accent Colors Are Happening... At What Cost #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Because GNOME doesn't want it to be simple, except by their definition of simple.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

See, crap like this is why I've lost a lot of respect for Gnome over the years... I didn't have a ton to begin with, but I could respect their more... Apple-ish approach to UI design. Now though, it just seems like they go out of their way to be stubborn about stuff, this being a good example.

The "My Way Or The Highway" approach doesn't earn them much love or respect. I also sorta question their excuse of "well developers already don't like it," as that sorta flies in the face of developers for other platforms. I'm glad to see that (hopefully) the accent colours will move forward, with or without them. If Gnome is gonna act that way, then they should be left to their own devices and not be catered to.

in reply to Brodie Robertson

I wonder if it can be worse than the time I had to download like 16 versions of the same theme which only differed in accent colors...
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Honestly, I can partly see where Gnome is going for, but they shouldn't expect everyone to cater to them, especially after a pretty good compromise was offered. Would it have been that bad if some random person broke a gnome app on their custom tiling WM because they set the wrong accent color? I mean gradience is already a thing.

My only hope is that in the future a gnome extension exists that will make gnome compatible with this portal.

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