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Wayland's Fix For Multi Windows Apps Is A Disaster #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I've heard that many creators make lists of "videos I would like to produce next/soon/eventually".

At this point does your upcoming list have placeholders that say "controversial thing what did the {Wayland / GNOME / Ubuntu / Enterprise Linux ecosystem} do or announce this week?"

in reply to Brodie Robertson

In the video you ask if multi-window is something that is used. Yes! Multi-window is used at both VERITAS and Kitt Peak for thier control software (all linux). See observatories are built mostly piecemeal, including the software; where each software component is a thesis or paper. This means many discrete softwares all need to work together, and ultimately need to be launched and operated by one person. This leads to scripts opening scripts which launch programs and all the windows need to be positioned, and sized correctly across multiple screens or else you might miss the failure of a system. I am remembering in particular the launcher script of our data acquisition systems from which 24 seperate programs are launched through 9 seperate terminals which are positioned and sized across two monitors. Dont want to miss a failure where every minute during the night counts for getting the data that someone really needs to complete a thesis or paper (also costs quite a lot).

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