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Manjaro GNOME Shows Why Distros Shouldn't Ship Themes #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Stuff like this is why I'm never trying Manjaro, it'd be one thing if this was rare
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I mean....I can see them doing it, as long as it's just an integration with pling and the support is listed as not manjaro team. (it's something we're working on with @pulsaredit and our database). Since no open source project has that manpower to provide support for others work. But people are gonna be weird and expect that we will for some reason....
in reply to Brodie Robertson

this is part and parcel of why the GNOME foundation has gone against theming. Do you want smooth UX? Then design patterns have to be consistent. If you want a lot of customisation, then expect inconsistent behaviour. This is a hotly contested issue, but the proof is in the pudding.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

at this point I think I'll just move to endeavor or pure arch whenever I get a new SSD for my PC

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