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Good morning! Officially announcing #TrainJam this morning: what if we did a software retreat and put it on a train?

Runs Sept 18th leaving from Seattle and arrives the night before #StrangeLoop in St Louis

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Boris Mann

We’ve got Gradient Retreat supporting this experience, and myself and the @causalislands @fission crew are helping organize.

Yes, local first software, future of computing, and DWeb of all kinds are strong themes. But take it as a mini retreat to hack on whatever you like.

Want to sponsor #TrainJam? Get in touch!

in reply to Boris Mann

About half of the seats are booked already.

Some of the people committed so far are @avi, @jack @akkartik and a handful of others I don’t have accounts to tag 😆

We’ve got some background #TrainJam notes on the @fission wiki if you want to brainstorm or have questions — or tag me here

in reply to Boris Mann

is there some uncertainty around @neauoire coming along? if they're coming, let's not sell their ticket before they're back within radio range 😹
in reply to Jack Rusher

I can't load the registration website 😢 Can someone pick a ticket for me? I'll paypal the amount as soon as we have more than 5kb/s!

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