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in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

Last word of the description is a proper depiction of the average user experience.
in reply to Cymaphore

@cymaphore I only plugged 3 1800watt space heater into it what could possibly have gone wrong?
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

Noting. You wanted it warm, you got it work. Even faster than witout it. 😀

But to be more serious: If this abdomination is properly build and does contain a 10A fuse (or better PPTC) to protect the ingoing plug, it would actually be stupid, but "ok"
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

Less than 14W if using each of these outlets not considering the USB connectors.

Seems Good... 😆
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

Looks like someone didn't take math with their electrical engineering. w=av means that's more than a room full of sockets, and a fuse blown and burned.
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

It's not even rated to half the maximum you can pull out of an outlet safely so what is even the point? Worthless. And the input cable doesn't look replaceable either...
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

i'm gonna plug this into my 2U rackmount UPS running off my 15A circuit in my apartment 🙂
Unknown parent

@GandalfDDI @Br0nzeDrag0nfly @chelming who would buy such a thing? I have virtually no idea where it "might come in handy". I got 23 outlets at my lab bench and virtually never need all of them. Sure, 230V, 16A, but still.

Who needs such a thing?
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

@GandalfDDI @Br0nzeDrag0nfly @chelming Here Mr. Insurance Man! Dunno why it burned! It had all the proper China Explosives (CE), Ultrafast Lighter (uL) Fast China Combustion (FCC) and Quick Combustion (QC) testing certificate genuine quality labels on it! Can I have my billion bucks now please?
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

I’m an electronic engineer and this one 👇 scares me too (at 3 min : 29 sec)😱

🎥©️ Memes Town on #YouTube
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

the fucked thing that's only just very slightly more ridiculous than the actual product it was photoshopped from 😂
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

Make it worse. Have the male plug be a Schuko socket. Don't change the female sockets. ;)

(Schuko is ~220V ;) )
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

I saw this last night on someone’s post. This is ridiculous 😂
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

ROTFL. There are a lot of engineers in my family shrieking right now
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

@werefox everyone is upset because it’s an electrical fire hazard but what about people with trypophobia? Look at all those HOLES
Unknown parent

💜 Dr. Blight ❤️
@Em add one then
Unknown parent

💜 Dr. Blight ❤️
@Em I've seen other people do it
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

"Visit the superdana" If we plug everything in, isn't it more like "Visit a supernova"? 🤣
in reply to 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️

I can only see sockets of gasping faces on that power outlet, even they are overwhelmed by it's power it hold

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