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The RadicalSocial.Work instance is now live!

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Come be part of the first instance on Mastodon for social workers.

#SocialWork #SocialWorker #SocialWorkMastodon
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Radical Social Worker ✊️


I dislike to point it out after all the effort that went into it, but I do have some unease with the naming of the instance though. To me it can sound as if it was meant for radical opinions on social work only, or as if it will all depend on you only. Something akin to / socialwork.all might have been more inclusive. But perhaps this is only me overthinking things (?)
in reply to Martin Vuillème /vɥ-iɛm/

I think that's an excellent idea for a future instance that someone else can certainly create!

I created this instance to centre on the direction that I believe would benefit the field - focusing more energy on changing systems instead of people. After all, polices are often what fail folx in the first place.

This is what radical social work is all about. I encourage you to investigate!

Here's an article that speaks more to this:
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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