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I am super proud and excited to present my new website and blog! Check out "bits and beebs", where I'll publish articles about my developer and tinkerer endeavours. The first article is about diff-testing with #foundry and #RustLang

For those interested, here's the source code in #SvelteKit #svelte

Any feedback is of course welcome! I tried to make it relatively accessible, but I'm definitely no expert so make sure to point out any problems!

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Valentin B. :ferris:

The menu on mobile doesn’t seem to let me navigate away from the home page.

But +1 for an RSS feed!

in reply to James Gayfer

btw, do you have any good recommandations for an #RSS feed reader that supports sync between desktop and Android? #FOSS if possible. I definitely need to get my RSS game on point ^^
#foss #RSS
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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