Nextcloud, this is kind of assholey. No, I don't "value low cost over root access to the machine." I value my time and my data. I don't have the knowledge to manage security threats to my own machine (therefore pretty much all of my family's data), opened to the Big Wide Internet, and I enjoy the fact that the environment (e.g., SQL+nginx etc.) is set up and managed by my host, so I don't have to become a sysadmin to have a low-budget, self-hosted dropbox.
*Edit*: Nextcloud has been great and also a huge hassle. Upgrading is always (ALWAYS) a multi-hour or multi-day process for me, and there are constant headaches with little things that don't work (e.g., authentication with my mobile sync app, for some reason). I'm already considering paying #proton for some stuff, so I think in about February, if I can't get my major NC hassles fixed, I'll just ditch it once and for all and use Proton Drive, which seems secure and easy to use, even though it's not #FOSS. I really don't have time to go get a second degree in systems administration right now.
Nextcloud 📱☁️💻
in reply to The Jantic-est Guy • • •The Jantic-est Guy
in reply to Nextcloud 📱☁️💻 • • •@nextcloud That's actually really nice to know. I thought that was Nextcloud's official position on helping anyone with shared-hosting installs. I appreciate this.
BTW I had to dig to find your comment because apparently... (see image)