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"Out of reading [The Dawn of Everything] a colleague and I, Federica Carugati who's a political scientist, started a project called Governance Archaeology. Where we started more systematically cataloguing diverse practices of self-government throughout history, around the world, and starting to develop partnerships with communities that are stewards of these practices."


#TeamHuman #NathanSchneider #GovernanceArchaeology #TheDawnOfEverything

in reply to Strypey

"Just because people are using it for NFT rug-pulls, doesn't mean there's not something in BlockChain. Whether it's the authentication - I don't think it's necessarily mining and tokens - but some kind of public-recordy-thing could be cool."


#podcasts #TeamHuman #BlockChains

in reply to Strypey

"These kinds of networked identities have been with us throughout human history. The nation-state, as the dominant and sole... erector of orders and controller of land, is a relatively new phenomenon. I think there is resilience in having a... wider range of options available to us."



This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Strypey

Does the Governance Archaeology project include a section of online tools for self-government, and/or new practices enabled by them? If so, I'd be very keen to have a look.
in reply to Strypey

nope it is focused on non-digital practices. See and for the digital side
in reply to Nathan Schneider

> it is focused on non-digital practices

I can see the wisdom in this curation decision.

> See and for the digital side

Thanks for the links : )

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