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in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

Does it feel like work to discovery new stuff, or does it happen naturally?
in reply to Odo Klave

@dualhammers I also basically always have stuff playing (usually headphones, sometimes speakers, whatever) and I've found I have three modes:

- Play my library (a proper capital-L Library at 700GB or so)
- Discovery, these days almost entirely # theStudio or Bandcamp Radio / Pandora. Active process, decent bit of work to find the gems
- "Background noise", effortless but I rarely remember much of it. This is the Soma.FM and similar streams mode where I can't really mark favs
in reply to tired blip

@klardotsh @dualhammers I rarely stream music but we have the whole Secret Thirteen catalog aboard, so when I'm in a discovery mode, even if we've played these mixtapes hundreds of times, I always discover something new.
in reply to tired blip

@klardotsh how are you able to think and get stuff done with music playing? I find the music distracts me in tending to it or leads to thoughts that pull on my focus
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

@dualhammers @klardotsh I do a similar thing, but tend to not play anything with decipherable words/lyrics if I'm trying to do "work" on something—they're too distracting.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

This feels like a good opportunity to shamelessly plug my niche software , for those without boats or hardware switches, but still in need of clicks and clacks!
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Devine Lu Linvega
@slisne @klardotsh @dualhammers I have so many favourites, Andi Stecher's are pretty good ❤

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