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Devine Lu Linvega
@klardotsh oh! thank you, I meant to ask you about those
Unknown parent

tired blip
@rek oh hey is that a Vesper AIS transponder in there I see? That blue is semi-distinctive. One of those is on my "maybe? idk? if I can afford to do so?" wishlist before $SUMMER_VOYAGES, assuming I ID'd that thing correctly do you recommend that model or pass?
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

@klardotsh It's good but it's... not cheap. Expensive especially if you need an antenna splitter.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

now I want to make a breaker panel made of Ethernet connectors...
in reply to cathos

@cathos yeah, fresh electronics setup, too much of a mess of dead wires behind the walls. We'll disconnect everything and reconnect it properly.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

Yay! I'm sure that's a lot of work, but I hope it's satisfying and worthwhile.
in reply to cathos

@cathos took me a while to learn to like it, but now we're inseparable
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

It reminds me of reading about someone who would use a little op-amp, battery, and headphones with a tiny needle probe on a bic pen as a diagnostic probe - maybe something like this: Also, this:
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

Found this horrifying things that one of the previous owners did. Here we were, wondering why the lights were flickering on and off sometimes.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

Back in 2008 we bought the apartment below our home (cheaper and healtier than to pay lawyers to deal with neighbors, I know how it works).

The previous owner told me: "I painted the walls, so you can rent the apartment from next month!"

Here is a photo of a power plug.

Maybe the concept of "liability" is unknown, in these surrounds: it took me 3 yrs (as a self-employed contractor) to fix everything.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

At my previous house I opened the accessway to the attic and there were three wires joined in a Y with electrical tape around them over the entrance, and that was a good intro to emergency rewiring.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

oh wow... this picture reminds me of the time my grandfather died (end of the '80ies, previous century). He was an electrical engineer, responsible for designing part of the electrical grid for the city of Antwerp (BE). After he died, my grandmother finally dared to question his expertise (in small home electrics) and had someone come over and check out the electrical setup in their house... the longest wire they found in the entire house was about 1.5m (5ft) long, and all of those (hundreds?) pieces had been glued, taped, twisted together like this.. it cost my grandmother a small fortune to have everything fixed and her house being saved from being declared a fire hazard,,
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

It'd be neat to wire these to a breadboard or a Pi or something, and make Pino a synth
Unknown parent

Devine Lu Linvega
@yngmar luckily we're at a marina atm, so we light ourselves with shore power. The only thing that's connected atm, directly to the batteries, is the stereo. I need music while I rewire the boat ;)

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