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The Handmade stream starts in an hour or so, I'll be talking in two hours about fun things that I stumbled upon while exploring #esolang and virtual machines.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

that talk was compelling and very well presented. Cheers on that!
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

Just watched the VOD! Although a lot of it is a bit foreign to me (above my technical knowledge), I enjoyed it, it was inspiring! Wish I knew a bit more of the lower level stuff - how does the machine actually work, etc. Really like the philosophies, as per usual! Resilience and re-usability ftw! xD
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

for anyone else coming to this late, their talk start at 1:25:23 ❤
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

when answering the audience question about "being cool", you said that @rek and you chose to sail because it was the only option available to you. Was the lack of options related to cost of living, to availability of work that matches your values, or to something else?
in reply to Gosha

@gosha @rek yes, it was hard to reconcile the anti-capital values that we had with loving in an apartment or paying morgage.
Unknown parent

@thetigerandthestrawberry The dissonance of getting ads for Amazon Music and beef jerky in while watching Devine's talk is strong. 😆

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