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Took the prop off for the first time, it's nice to see how it works inside.
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Devine Lu Linvega

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Devine Lu Linvega

@theruran yep! that's the maintenance we'll do to it.

I have yet 😀

in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

@theruran my thought since I heard about them: Do they make sense for a sailboat? More efficient and less noise when in use – but the one from @neauoire is a feathering prop which has less drag when under sails. Would that work with a toroidal prop?
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

Cleaned up the prop, and reassembled it. Took nearly 4 hours to get it all back together. Luckily, the person working on the boat next to ours could advise us.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

My first thought when looking at the images: Mechanical halberd/spear?

Now it want to build something like that...

in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

wait, I saw a photo (yesterday) that looked like a differential. So are you telling me the prop spins these little wing dealies on their own axis? Sorry, but that looks really interesting to my naive self.
in reply to Keen

or is there an internal/external shaft that can be phased to adjust angle? Perhaps that makes more sense....
in reply to Keen

@pixelkeen yeah, when we reverse, the blades flip the other way
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

imo fixed prop = simple, solid, nothing can break, good reverse authority.
these feathering props are at the mercy of the next clam growing inside it, plus the chance of stripping the gears on impact with solids or ropes.
"but drag", but is it worth it?
in reply to nomand

@nomand maybe for racing boats, our boat used to be racing and I think that's probably why they installed that on.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

was the mechanism fouled much? I know some people swear by them, but the thought that the prop could get fully stuck in some other-than-usable position irks my reliability spidey senses. Not sure if I'm overthrowing that though
in reply to nomand

@nomand no, the inside was like new, just entirely filled with grease, I doubt anything would want to live in that stuff.

The teeths are pretty massive, I have a hard time imagining falling out of sync. Will report back if we ever have issues with it. So far so good.

in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

I have been following your account for a few months, since I started using masto again. Needless to say I love what your doing, all the creativity and intelligent use of tools... but above all the freedom and fun of living on a boat. I really wish I could do it someday. In the meantime, I just thought of telling you about an (ecology-oriented) artist I have just met*, who also lives on a boat (in Europe), simply because I want to connect people who are doing great things. So if
in reply to Anaëlle Overlin

this sounds good to you (and to her), I can send you her links

*I could elaborate on the circumstances, if you want

in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

great pictures and also great reference for brushed metal textures 😀

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