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To limit the condensation in the winter seeping into the foam, we elevated it with this space-material looking thing. Hopefully it will help protect our newly upholstered cushions.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

oh that is neat! yeah airflow under mattresses is crucial to prevent mold growth, but it's a logistical challenge in situations like yours. I hope this solves the problem!
in reply to Amazey

@twistylittlepassages will report back! the space above the watertank is where condensation happens the most from the difference in temperature.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

@twistylittlepassages ugh, I remember hunting cold-bridges from being an RV fulltimer. Insulation is *so important* for moisture control. Can't imagine how much harder that is on a boat.
in reply to [enantiomer has moved]


Hey do you know about Phred's Poop Sheets?

These were a resource published by a guy name Phred Tinseth about full-time living in RVs. Amy and I found them indispensable in learning how to live this way. There might be one or two useful hacks in there for you.

Phred passed away I think a decade ago (?) and his website is down, but the Poop Sheets are widely mirrored.

Rest in Peace, Phred. Thanks for taking the time to educate us!

in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

looks like 3d printer spaghetti smooshed into an egg carton 3d shape, very interesting!
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

Au cas où ça ne marcherais pas, tu peux aussi essayer des plaques de liège expansé, tu peux avoir toutes les epaisseurs. C'est imputrescible et un isolant très efficace.
in reply to ogueki

@ogueki ah! merci, c'est rare ici du liege, on va regarder pour 😀

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