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Replaced our old makeshift very-much-less-than-watertight haft light with a new makeshit light that's a lot nicer and hopefully more watertight.
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@GustavinoBevilacqua very many, I think it's 40 years old. The cap fell off somewhere near new-zealand so we used a piece of wood, which wasn't a good idea.
in reply to inscript

@inscript makeshit cooking, makeshit soldering, makeshit bicycle, makeshit.. makeshit goes with everything
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

It lives!

We found this old fishing rod holder and glasses a little potted light inside and used the enclosure to run the wires through the ss pipes down to the bus. Looks neat!

Unknown parent

Devine Lu Linvega
@yngmar haft light, so people can see us at night from the back
Unknown parent

Devine Lu Linvega
@yngmar aft yes, stern aft. I guess I've never seen the word written before haha
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

What's a haft light? (Looking around furtively in case I'm walking into a ligma setup)
in reply to Peter Burka

@pburka I meant to write aft, I should have have starboard stern light 😀
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

There are so many obscure nautical terms. I was completely prepared to accept haft as legit

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