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Best practice question on Open Educational Materials #OER

I created a course website/booklet.

The website is under:

The source is on GitHub:

Now I'd like to generate a DOI for this via OSF. What would you do?

👉 Connect the GitHub rep to OSF and create DOI for that?
👉 Put the html on OSF and create a DOI for that?
👉 Both of the above?
👉 Other?

I could also generate a PDF with the same material, for example.

I am confused.

🙏 Please help!

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Heidi Seibold

Zenodo may provide what you need. Please note the many new features in the latest release:
in reply to Alan Sill

thanks Alan, I am aware of Zenodo, but my experience is that both OSF and Zenodo have similar features.
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Heidi Seibold

Can I ask why specifically OSF and not for insance Zenodo? This is a purely curiosity question. I'd gravitate towards zenodo, but thats all based on famliarity.
in reply to DrMowinckels

@Drmowinckels to be honest, no particular reason. I find both very similar in use.
in reply to Heidi Seibold

@Drmowinckels I tend to think of OSF as more of "working project" model, with Zenodo being more of a "stable release" model.
in reply to Noam Ross

@noamross @Drmowinckels Many of the new Zenodo features are particularly attractive for use by research groups. It would be interesting to see a comparison. Maybe this could be an extension of this work, or companion piece?
in reply to Alan Sill

@noamross @Drmowinckels
Seems this ideas has been explored:
But perhaps should be revisited from time to time given evolution of the various tools. Hope this is helpful!

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