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in reply to Meko #nowar

Can you see the lake in squared shape? It it gets empty, we'll have the second Chernobyl.


in reply to Meko #nowar

I get what you're trying to say but it won't be a second Chernobyl. The reactor won't explode, it will get shut down in a more controlled manner.
in reply to Meko #nowar

Chernobyl was an accident they could not prepare for. Here they are preparing at least because they know this might happen.
in reply to SuperDicq

that's wrong, they perfectly knew about that specific failure mode of the RBMK-1000 reactor, they just covered it up and decided to go with an unsafe safety test anyway
in any case yeah it's not gonna happen again not in this case, there's automated failsafes and the operators are not gonna let it happen if cooling water actually runs out. nuclear reactors are easy to shutdown, even in a controlled manner, rather quickly, and stay stable even with only minimal cooling
in reply to MOVED to

@chjara @SuperDicq I was told by our safety teacher (she was one of scientists working on investigation and liquidation of catastrophe at the time, or something like that) that it was because tests were only supposed to be done during daytime (doing them in nighttime is unsafe by itself), less qualified personnel was assigned at nighttime, but for some reason that time that personnel was given task to do these tests in their shift (there were too many bad factors for something to NOT go wrong)
in reply to Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:

@untsuki @SuperDicq yes, in part, but it's also ineffective handling of the everything by the soviet central leadership, like how they covered up the leningrad incident instead of redesigning the RBMK to account for the issue that was found there
in reply to MOVED to

@untsuki @SuperDicq although to be clear other countries don't tend to fare much better on these things (like the absolute clusterfuck that was TMI). but there's usually at least a little bit more transparency

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