Police arrested a man for making fun of police, SCOTUS approves.
Where's the "free speech" brigade when the state is actually censoring speech? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-rejects-ohio-mans-bid-sue-police-arrest-facebook-parody-rcna70435 #FreeSpeech #SCOTUS
Where's the "free speech" brigade when the state is actually censoring speech? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-rejects-ohio-mans-bid-sue-police-arrest-facebook-parody-rcna70435 #FreeSpeech #SCOTUS
Supreme Court rejects Ohio man’s bid to sue police over arrest for Facebook parody
Supreme Court declines to hear a qualified immunity case involving a claim that Parma, Ohio, police violated a man's rights by arresting him for Facebook posts.Lawrence Hurley (NBC News)