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in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

I mostly do normal, but man I don't know what's wrong with enemies in Elden Ring. Like cmon give me a break will ya. They don't wait for a second to kill ya.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Hmm on one hand I like to challenge myself ever so slightly when playing games, and I tend to be pretty good at it by this point. But on the other, I don't think I would've gotten to that point without making heavy use of cheats and stuff while growing up just because breaking the game in various ways was fun. Really helped me get a feel for how games work.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Hell yeah! The older I am, the less time and patience I have to tinker with character builds and strategies. I want stories, I want fun, and I don't want to spent half a year playing only one game on hard mode when I can squeeze there a few more just thanks to playing it easy.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

I recently sung praises not only on Easy mode but on easy switching of difficulty!

Playing #DeathStranding on the #SteamDeck. Wonderful game for me to relax with (for whatever weird reason). But then I found myself in a shooter sequence. And I just plain suck at aiming on anything but a keyboard and mouse.

So I kept dieing. And after a few repetitions I was THIS close to giving up on this game I have enjoyed for 50h now altogether. 1/
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

so ... Story mode.
I like that some games that call it story mode. It allows you to get through the game and enjoy the story and not get bigger down by difficult content.
It's not my thing, but I know people that benefit from this kind of game mode.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

I start on normal and see how that goes, but I absolutely switch to easy if I feel like a game is wasting my time by overdoing it in the challenge.
My favourite thing is well implemented and seamless adaptive difficulty that is invisible to the player.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

fair, Iโ€™m just too F* old to play on easy mode. I feel like, If Iโ€™m to sacrifice hours of my life into a game Iโ€™d better make it worth my while.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Games are for enjoying yourself. If you want to play in easy go ahead.

In fact for single player games i believe it is ok to cheat if you want. Just dont ruin the game for anybody else and you're good to go.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

The framing of this makes it too easy for incoherent arguments; that in agreeing with the spirit of this argument amounts to expecting an easy difficulty setting, always.

There are games where bolting on an extra, harder difficulty adds little value because the difficulty is created by ways the design of gameplay loops never really intended, adding no value.

But that equally can apply at the other end of the difficulty curve, with an added insult of perceived condescension.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Easy mode is fine. Though I love the trend where games replace the Easy, Medium,Hard naming structure with something like Story First, As intended, Challenging, etc.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

I do! It's not my default, but I'd rather finish a game on easy than play the first part over and over before tossing it to the back of my backlog never to be seen again.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

So true! After work I just want to chill and not develop some new skill micromanaging stuff.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Man, there's been a couple games where I picked Easy and died on the first level anyway. Rage quit and never went back, lulz.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Related: you cannot cheat in a solo game, whatever you're doing is not cheating. Do what feels best to you.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

I mean I like a challenge every now and then, but some games have gameplay or controls so abysmal I don't really bother and just play for story. I totally remember playing the wannabee walking-sims Soma on easy mode (it had a top notch writing, but one of the most dull attempts on stealth & horror I can remember).

As we used to say in RPGs: But that's badwrongfun ! Aka: don't listen to people on the internet and play as you and your group like it ๐Ÿ˜€
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Not always, but when Iโ€™m bored or tired, I like to play the most difficult level I KNOW I will win. I find it soothing, and I can look around for things Iโ€™ve missed, better strategy, etc.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

@darius During burnout, Iโ€™d set games lowest with all the helpers I could enable to make it somewhat enjoyable. Iโ€™m sure many players canโ€™t mentally deal with challenging settings tbh!
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

absolutely right. I have no shame in lowering the difficulty on a game if I'm struggling. I just want to enjoy playing instead of bashing my head against a wall.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Absolutely, i have no embarrassment to say that I beat Doom Eternal on Easy. It was stress enough at that level, I don't need more neck pain in my life. I don't play all games on easy, but I will adjust it where and when I decide.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

absolutely right. I mostly chose and play games to enjoy a story, I don't have time to get frustrated with having to repeat the same thing 100 times over and over again until I do it just exactly right to progress.
I like games that call this "story mode", I feel more respected.
I understand that some people do need the challenge, good for them, just not me.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ


Imagine, using a feature that's designed to be there, all because it's a game and that's how you enjoy it. Go figure.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

I wish the easy mode on brawlers were actually easy. The new TMNT game was and I had a blast playing with a teenaged relative who barely games. We tried to play Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and it was really tough even on easy.

Guess which one we went back for more of?
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

When Doom Eternal came out, I played it on hard. It eased me into playing on that difficulty.

Now when I load that save game, I get creamed, almost instantly.

I do prefer easy though, it helps with the God Complex ๐Ÿ˜‚
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

yep. 99% of the games i love to play i play on easy mode. the few games are touhou cause normal mode is not that much harder and makes you feal badass and i wanna be series cause nomather what your gonna feel dumb.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

i do that, cause i'm not skilled or experienced enough plus i got adhd and my right hand got hurt and now it doesn't work like before anymore
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

I'm a "put hard mode first" gamer kind. But I like the option to skip it when it gets tenuous.

In fact I'd go even farther, and wish there were a "skip the mecanistic part and storymode only". I had once had a very nice romance puzzle game, and got stuck on one of them.

I couldn't even see the last bit of the story, it felt like being bullied.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

absolutely. It's not for me - I'm one of those Soulsborne saddos who love a challenge - but if that's how someone else wants to enjoy a game (whatever their reason, whether it's a disability thing, or a time thing, or a "just because" thing is immaterial) then more power to them.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

totally agree. Yes, i like to play on hard mode but i really dont want to be forced to play it like that. Also very important accsessibility feature wich a lot of developers seem to ignore these days.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

full ack! There are genres I kinda like but are just too bad playing on a normal or even harder level.

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