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Hyprland is getting very close to overtaking Sway in Github stars, for it's time Sway was a great project and now it serves as a great reference implementation of wlroots for others to use but I think Hyprland is much better project for most users
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Mostly a joke at how many spins there are, never contributed and I have zero clue how to do the actual build apart from smashing "dnf install"

Also KDE is more my pace, my friend keeps spamming how hyprland is better

Edit: also I'd be surprised if someone hasn't thought of doing one already, haven't checked if there's a ticket in the system already

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Care to expand upon your thoughts on why it might be better for most users?

I'm on sway-fx atm, but always open for something new.

in reply to linkert

@linkert Sway-fx adds a lot things to the project that I feel like you shouldn't even need a fork for. Also the wlroots screencast portal has been broken for years and you can't do individual window capture only full desktop capture which is something Hyprland fixes in there portal
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Yeah, the least attractive feature of sway is it's adherence to being *i3 compatible* and all outside what i3 is doing is off the table.. This is true.

Did not know about the portals thing! I'm on nixos, I should probably just go ahead and try it out.

in reply to Brodie Robertson

if your a i3 fan, don't use a cutting edge distro, or don't want anything fancy, sway is still a good option, but for everything else hyprland is where it's at, just my take
in reply to Brodie Robertson

it still has it's issues creating a healthy community, so even though it might be a more "attractive" product, if you need support, which is something most users eventually do, and you want to be treated decently by the community, better stick with #Sway.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I like the more manual tiling of sway/i3 so I'll be using sway but hyprland is also a cool project and I've used it in the past
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Yeah but when I tried using mods on hyprland it was a little clunky. I used notify-send as a workaround to show the mode I was using. I don't know if that was changed

Also, the workspace ordering was clunky, especially with non-numbered workspaces

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