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Items tagged with: 3

How to debug broken images in posts

First ever instance crash. Suggestions for avoiding this in the future?

#1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #5 #7 #11 #9 #12 #8 #10 !Friendica Support

> Until recently, my thinking has been: "I'm cool with finding all sorts of weird tricks to keep the server going, and I'll worry about #3 and #4 someday in the future maybe lalalalala I can't hear you." But the recent Mastodon upgrade has caused a significant amount of performance degradation, and I think the only way to really solve it is going to be to throw a lot of money into hardware.

> But the recent Mastodon upgrade has caused a significant amount of performance degradation, and I think the only way to really solve it is going to be to throw a lot of money into hardware.

> But the recent Mastodon upgrade has caused a significant amount of performance degradation

> recent Mastodon upgrade

> Mastodon

#3 #4

#1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #5 @Hypolite Petovan

Service Unavailable
unable to create directory /var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/90/4f/52

Exception thrown in /var/www/html/src/Core/Renderer.php:90
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(199): Friendica\Core\Renderer::replaceMacros()
#1 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(141): frio_form()
#2 /var/www/html/src/Module/Admin/Themes/Embed.php(89): theme_admin()
#3 /var/www/html/src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\Module\Admin\Themes\Embed->content()
#4 /var/www/html/src/App.php(703): Friendica\BaseModule->run()
#5 /var/www/html/index.php(52): Friendica\App->runFrontend()
#6 {main}

#1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #5

What I'm listening to today: "System Jam #3", Edd Butterworth

A lot of the live synth performance videos on YouTube are either posted by, or made possible by gear donations by, the companies that make the synth equipment, as semi-covert ads. The good news is instead of buying the equipment you can just watch the videos. This video was posted by ALM/Busy Circuits to show off their eurorack line but by itself it's a funky weird-noises rave with captivatingly screwy beats.


The two Design Squiggle shirts are #2 & #3 on the Cotton Bureau sales charts today. Get yours here:
#2 #3

Thunderbird Is Resurrecting Firefox Send

Welcome to the ThunderVerse! An exciting clip from Episode #3 of the ThunderCast podcast with some breaking news about upcoming Thunderbird products. The podcast is available to listen to on most major podcast clients. You can stream it or subscribe here:


→ What's New In Thunderbird 115:
→ Download Thunderbird:


Risk #1: LLMs can produce factually incorrect text.

Risk #2: LLMs can produce untrustworthy explanations.

Risk #3: LLMs can persuade and influence, and they can provide unhealthy advice.

Risk #4: LLMs can simulate feelings, personality, and relationships.

Risk #5: LLMs can change their outputs dramatically based on tiny changes in a conversation.

Risk #6: LLMs store your conversations and can use them as training data.

Risk #7: LLMs cannot attribute sources for the text they produce.

#1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #5 #7

The 100 Greatest Children's Books of All Time (according to 177 experts from 56 different countries), including #1 Where the Wild Things Are and #3 Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren.
#1 #3

@Hypolite Petovan
Ok fixed that

Executable: /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/bin/console.php
Arguments: array (
0 => 'autoinstall',
Options: array (
'v' => 1,
Command: autoinstall
Initializing setup...

Checking environment...
NOTICE: Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.

[Error] --------
GNU Multiple Precision PHP module: Error: GNU Multiple Precision PHP module required but not installed.

#0 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/vendor/asika/simple-console/src/Console.php(108): Friendica\Console\AutomaticInstallation->doExecute()
#1 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/src/Core/Console.php(163): Asika\SimpleConsole\Console->execute()
#2 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/vendor/asika/simple-console/src/Console.php(108): Friendica\Core\Console->doExecute()
#3 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/bin/console.php(41): Asika\SimpleConsole\Console->execute()
#4 {main}
Is this error an issue?

Made myself some tea, now just putting on a totally random Yule log video that I'm sure is totally normal for no reason on January 3rd.

#3, or #1046, 2022's "Adult Swim Yule Log."
#3 #1046

#3, #653, I gotta get back to these, it's 1938 Best Picture nominee "Four Daughters."

This is before the 80s, when Hollywood perfected the "two schmucks with a bad idea" formula, so they've overshot to "four daughters."
#3 #653

Can't add contacts after upgrade top 2022.10

!Friendica Support


My system runs on an Raspberry Pi3, Debian 11

Since the upgrade to Friendica 2022.10 adding new contacts in mastodon shows me an error-code.

Exception thrown in /var/www/html/src/ModuleContact/Profile.php:141
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\Module\Contact\Profile->con>
#1 /var/www/html/src/App.php(719): Friendica\BaseModule->run()
#2 /var/www/html/index.php(44): Friendica\App->runFrontend()
#3 {main}

I have Friendica debug logs for times around the contact-attempt, but there isn't even shown the contacts-profile-url (but those of many others, i'm not in contact with).

Afterwards, the contact is added as RSS.


Adding a new membership ends up with error messages on screen

Network type can't be detected, contact can't be added.
Profile-url doesn't give proper information, no compatible protocolls for communication oder feeds can be found.

Error messages on screen: Network type can't be detected, contact can't be added. Profile-url doesn't give proper information, no compatible protocolls for communication oder feeds can be found.

Here i also can't find anything related in the logs.

Does anyone has similar issues?

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