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Shout out to RHEL for doing what no other distro has the balls to do and finally mark X org as deprecated
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I'd love to switch over to wayland if they had functioning hackable window managers (not Qtile because I have too many gripes with it).
in reply to Brodie Robertson

The inconsistency of Japanese input kinda annoys me about KDE Wayland

I should check to see what the situation is on Gnome or maybe even try a tiling manager :shibathinking:

in reply to Brodie Robertson

1.4 million lines of text in the systemd source vs 1721 in init.

Dunno, i eschew systemd whenever i can. Unfortunately lots of academic and research software wants to run on ubuntu or debian, so i've picked up a few tips and tricks to working with it.

I much prefer the simplicity of tossing a script in /etc/init.d/ and using that to control an individual service. systemctl and all of the various logging facilities (if that's the word) it incorporates feel "slower" on like HW.

in reply to 1.E-12C

@picofarad Apples vs A firetruck. You're not compairing the same things at all.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I find it a little odd to actually remove something like that. The unixoid sphere has long been one of choice, I can choose my distro, my window manager, my shell, on some systems I can even choose my init (*cough* Gentoo). Every other distro wouldn't want to "have the balls" to restrict the users' choice. RHEL as part of offering full commercial support for everything contained in the base system, understandably, is slimmed down (sometimes too much IMHO). So yeah, AssHat doesn't want to provide X11 support anymore because it's effort. Every other distro should absolutely stick to providing – at least packaging – both. Why would they even remove a package that hasn't changed its build system in ages, and has a reasonable Changelog.… unless they are guaranteeing you to fix every bug you encounter (like RHEL).

This isn't about showing strength or progression. It's just captialism.

in reply to Brodie Robertson

I am sorry, but literally the first sentence of the first paragraph in the picture I replied to.… specifies that removal will happen. Just not today.
in reply to cat://Katze :neocat_flag_agender: :battery_empty:

Deprecation is the first step of removal. This is part of removing it.

When was the last time you saw something being deprecated and not ever being removed?
Sometimes the deprecation gets reverted when it is discovered that it was a mistake, something that will not happen with RHEL because, again, commercial interest.

in reply to Brodie Robertson

They said the same about systemd and I'm still running OpenRC. They said the same about systemd and the migration is still ongoing and in some instance is a major pita.

You may dress it up as moving on to better tech, but it still takes away my choice in the process.
You wouldn't deprecate bash and tell everyone to get comfy with zsh either, no, they coexist, because choice is something many people value.

in reply to cat://Katze :neocat_flag_agender: :battery_empty:

@benaryorg There will always be the exceptions but the migration to systemd is basically done, with the exception of gentoo no major distros offer anything other than systemd. And no one is taking away your choice, you're always free to compile the code yourself but when we get too a tiny group of people who still care about X11 why should the distro bother compiling it for you. Bash and zsh are a very different case, zsh is mostly a superset of bash with a couple of inconsistencies but no one is aiming for zsh to become the standard
in reply to Brodie Robertson

@benaryorg Let's use a different example, should distros keep supporting mir when it's been mostly abandoned by Canonical. By your logic yes because it's supporting your choice to use it but I'm pretty sure we'd both agree that it's a waste of time. Today that isn't the case for X11 but it is going to happen in the relatively near future, I expect the shift to occur around the time GNOME finally drops X11 support.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

if you run an Nvidia GPU, you cant use RHEL cause wayland on nvidia crashes toast notifications and much higher cpu usage compared to xorg. Seems like a bad move imo
in reply to Brodie Robertson

If more people start deprecating xorg, then hopefully those proprietary apps will start caring more about xdg portals, even if their app itself runs in xwayland
in reply to Brodie Robertson

I think this is a very bold decision at this point. Wayland is far from stable at the moment. Most things work just fine, but a lot of things need to improve. KDE experience is buggy IMO.
in reply to Brodie Robertson

alt text: [screenshot from RHEL website saying Server is now deprecated]
in reply to Brodie Robertson

yeah, for text screenshots i really would love some AI to translate the text.
in reply to tootbrute

@elias Pulling text from an image is dead simple especially when talking about clean fonts so it wouldn't be too hard to do
in reply to Brodie Robertson

The main unfortunate part is that leaves only hacks for running #EXWM and #StumpWM on #RHEL.

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